You were scheduled to be born on a Wednesday.
You surprised me by debuting on a Tuesday.
I thought you would be a dark-haired replica of your brother.
You surprised me, my little blondie.
I guessed that you would weigh much less than your brother's 10 lbs, 7 oz.
You surprised me by tipping the scales at 10.5.
I waited for your gaze to follow my finger.
You surprised me by staring right through me, into the distance.
I clapped loudly on your left side, waiting for you startle.
You surprised me by holding still, showing no response.
I willed you to hold your five month old head steady.
You surprised me by wobbling and slumping against my shoulder.
I sobbed at the thought of never seeing a smile cross your sweet face.
You surprised me with your first, long-awaited, gummy grin.
I expected you to have the same food allergies your brother does, or worse, different ones.
You surprised me by not having any at all. Huzzah! (...and thank you.)
I hopelessly wondered if you would ever be able to sit unassisted.
You surprised me by holding on to your music mirror until you were able to catch yourself as you fell.
I felt despair as you gagged and were unable to tolerate texture in your food, worrying that you might never put anything in your mouth that wasn't a spoon or a bottle.
You surprised me when you let us put that Club cracker on your tongue.
I struggled with the idea that you might not ever be independently mobile.
You surprised me by scooting across the room.
Then you surprised me by crawling.
And then you surprised me by crawling very well.
And later, you told that walker to bring it (well, not verbally, but...)!
I pleaded with my words, my heart, my eyes, and my prayers that you would speak to us. Any word. Anything.
You surprised me by shouting, "DOG!" and "GON-GON!"
I wondered if we would have to move from our home to accommodate your physical needs. (Read: Maybe that upstairs bedroom isn't such a good idea.)
You surprised me by climbing those stairs with ease. (The downstairs gate goes up tomorrow!)
I felt my heart break as you repeatedly pushed your brother away every time he wanted to hug you.
You both surprised me: John's patience and Ben's eventual warming. Best friends? Absolutely.
Benjamin, I still wonder what will happen, what you will be able to do, how you will change and grow. All mothers do this.
Will you ever have a verbal conversation with me?
Will you ever walk without assistance?
Will you be able to eat what the rest of us are eating?
Will you ever live independently?
Will you go to college or have a job?
Will you always be as sweet and determined as you are now?
Will you get married someday?
Will you be okay when the day comes that I'm not here?
This I know: You will surprise me.
So proud of all that he's accomplished; I just know that his new school will help him do even more!
Much, much love to you all.
You make me cry with every single post. ((((((HUGS))))))....and WAy to go, Ben!!!!
Allie, that was just beautiful. I am so glad I took the time to read this entry. Always wishing you all the best!
Allie, this is such a lovely perspective. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your beautiful family.
Oh, my! I loved this post. What a great mom you are - Ben is so lucky to have you cheering him on at every step!!!! Way to BEN!!!
i love you blog post - will you please post more often? You write so well and I love hearing from you sweet family:)
ok, obviously I can't write, so many mistakes in my comment! Blah, long day!!
Well, it's Thanksgiving 2010, I got off facebook because I am too immature to use it! However, I can't help but to keep encouraging you. I have overcome obstacles in my family. Things were not always easy for me as well, I got diagnosed with bipolar, and major depressive disorder about a year after high school. I remember how superficial I was before that...ever since I've heard your story it reminds me of a conviction I made for myself...being gifted is not always defined by societal standards...a gift is free. Being gifted is from God, he gives everything, he gives love, that is why we are each, uniquely gifted. P.S. you are a very talented writer, love the pics, and design, you are just a great motivator...(and always one hell of a looker (I had to throw that in for old times sake :) As always, thanks for sharing...blessings....
I had to write one more time. I just know you are such a smart person. I studied so much biology after high school, and just loved genetics, et al. I read your blogs, and it just makes me cry...I just wish I knew what you knew...I have read so much about the nucleus, chromosomes, genes, transcription, translation, mRNA, tRNA, start/stop codons, etc. All the scientific findings. Yet people talk about the amino acids that make up our protein molecules. The three nucleic acid bases...that make them up...All the processes that come between them that grow from conception to birth, through times as a baby, toddler, etc. I just hope you do not get yourself wrapped up in the insanity of it all. Some diseases are so new, and some of the scientistic novel. Laws, financing, etc. I sent the copy of the movie I sent you for a reason. Creativity can't be measured numbers, or measured at all. I hope that you keep pushing buttons, I hope you go crazy sometimes with frustration; but mostly, I hope you recognize when you hit milestones, and I hope you know how to take a break, pat yourself on the back, regroup, refocus, and rework, then do it you very much, please be a friend, and relay this to your husband, bless your whole family this holiday, love, love; love is all you need...
miss your posts about your sweet boys;) catch us up!!
Oh Allie,
Your Ben and his accomplishments warm my heart. Your family's love for each other is just, and for all that liberal arts education my folks and I paid for, all I can is the best. Thank you for sharing your story!!
With much love,
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